If you need to know the marriage date of a found couple on this index, please send a request to me and I will look it up for you. Alphabetical by surnames beginning with the letter "J-L": Subject Spouse Pg. # Mrg. Date Jackson, Robert Lee, Ann 118 Jacobs, Joseph Dichebborar, Caroline 401 Jaggar, George Shuttle, Mary 119 Jagyers, Samuel Dewhirs, Nancy 475 James, Robert Buzza, Catharine 163 Jardine, Robert Terrace, Martha 236 Jelly, William H H Bartell, Mary 495 Jenkins, Abraham Hodge, Susan 405 Jenkins, Nicholas Parnell, Ann Jane 188 Jenks, Francis M Armstrong, Louisa T 3 24 Dec 1855 Jennings, Thos Briggs, Ellen 235 Job, Thomas Goble, Eliza 400 Johnson, Edward A Schausman, Bel 234 Johnson, Frederick Abal, Caroline 70 Johnson, Hugh Turner, Mary 102 Johnson, Jasper Whitson, Delitha 103 Johnson, Jesse P Hardon, Martha E 133 Johnson, Mathew West, Margaret 37 Johnson, Robert B Bell, Hannah 247 Jones, Alexander Cook, Ann 59 Jones, Edwin Davis, Elizabeth 54 Jones, Joseph Selby, Ann E 286 Jones, Nathaniel Dugan, Elizabeth 40 Jordan, Lewis Hull, Phoebe 29 Kaenan, Francis Duffy, Mary Ann 181 Kammer, Nicholas Vichnandi, Maria 111 Kamp, Genry Brinkman, Elizabeth 294 Kantlekner, Louis Miller, Mary 165 Kartz, Paul Younger, Barbara 352 Kastenbeider, Phillip Shaffer, Rosa 168 Kaul, Jacob Jung, Christena 484 Kaupel, Bernard Imbolt, Mary 480 Kaverney, Patrick McMahan, Elizabeth A 363 Keane, Christian Keiger, Frederica 190 Keating, Patrick Corbett, Winnie 464 Keenan, John Calohan, Mary 98 Keenan, John Gorman, Mary 173 Keffer, John Feest, Catharine 234 Kehl, Joseph Knapp, Barbara 319 Keinzer, Carl Geigler, Christena B 11 30 Jan 1856 Keisal, William Brindel, Mary A 296 Keki, Charles Freisneker, Agnes 395 Kelin, Joseph Thor, Christeena 163 Kelleher, Daniel Littleir, Silly 311 Kelly, Daniel Dugan, Honora 175 Kelly, James Shortel, Ann 182 Kelly, James Halleran, Mary A 287 Kelly, John Vaughn, Ellen S 415 Kelly, Peter Smith, Agnes 397 Kemmerar, Charles Heller, Terecee 135 Kemp, Jacob S Morton, Sylvia A 411 Kemp, William Easley, Dulcena 360 Kempff, Louis A Klylberg, Meena 105 Kempter, Ernest Seal, Mary I 216 Kempter, Godfrey Guigler, Mary 338 Kennedy, George N Wright, Elizabeth 142 Kennedy, John Gallagher, Sarah M 455 Kennedy, William Clifford, Anna M 164 Kennell, Patrick Keep, Ellen 32 Kepter, Christopher Oberheim, Susanna 400 Kerler, George Wooster, Catharine 150 Kerschbaum, Anton Brinkers, Adelaid 285 Kevern, Maruice Creighton, Margaret I 325 Kibney, Frank Weile, Johanna 255 Kiemler, Frederic Grainer, Mary 323 Kimmens, Henry Martin, Eliza 348 King, George Hume, Sarah 187 Kinley, William Kearney, Ann 262 Kinney, John D Ferguson, Virginia C 398 Kitto, Henry Anderson, Martha 97 Klais, Christian E Foelt, Caroline 376 Klaprath, William Trickey, Mary2 271 Kleichman, Joseph Long, Ernestine 263 Klein, Peter Eberhard, Christina 170 Kleine, Ignate Thor, Rebinia 473 Klett, Julius Lena, Anna 248 Kleupfer, Frederick Godet, Lucy 365 Klindworth, John Brandt, Catharine 345 Klinger, Martin Magdelena, Carolina 81 Klippel, August Smith, Christiana 44 Knapp, Jacob Schantz, Mary 239 Knaute, John W Moore, Anna 454 Kniter, Alisi Engel, Maria Subela 413 Knoble, Clements Kohl, Mary 480 Koep, Jacob Sleight, Matilda 187 Koffman, John Smith, Susan 19 24 Mar 1856 Kofmehl, Joseph Singer, Caroline 199 Kohler, Nicholas Lockner, Margaretta 322 Koontz, Rittner Bennett, Mary 182 Korch (Koch), Frederick Haas, Margret 226 Korg, Martin Voltz, Catharine 21 1 Apr 1856 Kost, Adam Vally, Mary 71 Kost, William Small, Dorothy 154 Krachmer, Robert Worster, Anna Barbara 133 Kratzenstein, A L B Mace, Rebecca 449 Kremar, John Wise, Barbara 453 Kren, Joseph Steiner, Ann 77 Krienbahl, John B Statham, Maria M 396 Krings, Frances Brinker, Margaretta 382 Kropke, John Mink, Dora 317 Krugar, Andrew Kastem, Eliza 150 Kruse, Henry Reiger, Appoloma 358 Kuchemann, Christian Ischirgi, Francisca 321 Kuehne, Charles Elmbruster, Frances 31 Kuhn, Arnest Parsons, Mary Jane 438 Kulke, John Mayer, Mary 294 Kuntz, Christian Lonzing, Maria W 462 Kuntz, Frances S Beall, Julia 385 Kuntz, George Engel, Philippena 297 Kuntz, Gottleib Kech, Rosina 15 25 Feb 1856 Kupp, Bernard H Sower, Cunnada 114 Kyle, James Davidson, Ann 77 Kyle, Joseph Alderson, Mary E L 309 Lachman, Bernard Scheel, Dorothy 238 Lahr, Augustas Foal, Frederika 475 Laird, William Lethlean, Emma Jane 468 Lamberson, D Harvey Jomus, Elizabeth F 428 Lambert, Ulrich Blind, Lena 344 Lamper, Andrew J Mull, Catharine 260 Lamper, Peter P Cuthorn, Anna 262 Landrann, Benjamin Daniels, Sarah A 211 Lane, Homer Williams, Emma 121 Lane, John Boura Utah, Cathrine 399 Langette, Charles P Kirby, Adelia 420 Langford, John W Galt, Martha I 209 Langhorn, James Temperly, Margret 491 Larkins, James Lee, Mary 414 LaSalle, Joseph White, Agnes R 300 Lascom, William R Booth, Maryann 206 Latham, Hugh O'Neil, Sarah 63 Laughran, Bernard Forbes, Huldah C 268 Laughrin, Diven Forbes, Sarah Ann 271 Laurie, William Britany, Catharine 1 15 Dec 1855 Lauver, Aaron M Stahl, Susan E 327 Lawhorn, Daniel McGuire, Mary 144 Lawler, Edward Fleming, Anna 392 Lawler, Michael Duffey, Bridget 393 Lawlor, Dennis O'Connor, Mary 109 Lawrence, Henry H Stanchfield, Lucinda H 296 Lawson, George C Adams, Mary Ann 9 17 Jan 1856 Lawton, John J Blake, Eliza J 188 Layer, George A Faulkner, Catharine 45 Leamy, Edward Nugent, Bridget 480 Leavitt, Jeremiah Lynch, Julia 280 Lechman, Herman Shell, Anna Margaretta 213 Lee, James Christopher, Margret 483 Lee, John Morris, Darinda 211 Lee, John Kellogg, Elizabeth 284 Leebeck, John Wilhelmi, Margret 409 Leebrecht, George Dressin, Elizabeth 362 Leehl, Jeremiah Smith, Mary 12 2 Feb 1856 Leekly, John A Gallagher, Anna E 231 Lehan, John Harine, Mary O 195 Lehan, Timothy Conley, Ellen 51 Lehnard, John Crowel, Louiza 60 Lehner, Samuel Stifocker, Fanny 90 Lehner, Samuel J Burk, Margaret 352 Leist, Eghart Scheiller, Elizabeth 182 Lelanny, Leonidas Sherman, Ann A 343 Leober, John Young, Phillippina 82 Letto, Rodolph Schleiderer, Mary 28 Levake, John M Todd, Mary E 443 Levans, Edward Connor, Mary Ann 379 Leverett, James W Tisdale, Harriet M 63 Levett, Thomas Wollam, Fidelia 489 Levins, James Craighton, Mary 440 Levitt, John A Vial, Elizabeth 471 Lewis (Levens), Mathew McManus, Jane 98 Lewis, Charles Moore, Hester Ann 130 Lewis, James S Stebbins, Harriet 256 Leyden, Martin McCabe, Mary 206 Liber, Charles Donnelly, Mary I 414 Licheberger, Jacob Wolker, Anna 133 Liddle, John E Eva, Elizabeth J 447 Liddle, William Ewing, Elizabeth Jane 72 Liebaling, Christian Thorworth, Barbara 430 Liermand, John Drayer, Louiza 140 Lies (Lees), John Scharff, Maria 112 Limper, Charles Deininger, Magdalena 493 Lindsay, Benjamin Dewhurst, Mary 217 Lininfelser, Francis Schinhardt, Mary G 336 Link, August Wallace, Cecilia J 260 Lion, Rufus St. John, Charlotte 139 Livermore, Thomas A Langdon, May C 40 Lloyd, J C Green, Mary F 129 Loby, Thomas O'Loughlin, Bridget 90 Loker, Gerhard H Kopel, Euphenia A 494 Lomer, Robert Kerch, Helena 24 8 Apr 1856 (L) Lonergun, William Handlin, Bridget 128 Long, Adam M Lynch, Catharine 479 Long, Frederick James, Margaret 88 Long, James Greiner, Caroline 20 29 Mar 1856 Long, Nicholas Fisher, Wilhelmina 177 Long, Sylvester Knoll, Mary 439 Long, Thomas T Simpson, Matilda C 474 Long, William Williams, Patience 184 Look, William Warneke, Wilhelmina 341 Lowry, William F Strottman, Elizabeth L 370 Lucke, Joseph Stumler, Mary 69 Lucy, Dennis Cooper, Emeline 6 2 Jan 1856 Lunday, Thomas Doyle, Bridget 399 Luning, Anton F Maas, Maria E 299 Lupton, Samuel Reynolds, Elizabeth 452 Luther, Hartman Lawrence, Frances 421 Lynch, James Rice, Lugenia 383 Lynch, Thomas Cunningham, Ann 364 Lyons, James M Fleming, Mary 8 13 Jan 1856 Lyons, Richard M Brady, Elizabeth 387 Jo Daviess Co., IL Marriage Index Volume B, 1855-1865
Cheryl Hemingway